Micpreamp necessary?


New member

I just bought a RME HDSP and now I have some money left. But not too much. Could you please tell me, what would happen if I plugged a dynamic microphone directly into RME's analog-in? Would there be any sound, what quality... Or do I necessarily need also a mic preamp? The problem is I don't have enough money to buy both, the mic and the preamp... Is it possible to achieve some results only with a mic plugged directly into RME or should I also have a preamp?

You need a preamp. If you don't have enough money for both save up... there is always something cheaper if you have to record right now.
you can get an inexpensive preamp for the time being, then sell it and buy a nice one later on. An inexpensive one can be bought that is fairly noise free....It might not have the most beautiful tone, but it will do fine...