micing my electric Guitar


New member
Can anyone recommend a good pair of mics for micing my electric Guitar? Ill be close micing and distance micing my guitar. I’m looking for the mics to be anywhere in the range of $50-$200 more or less, but the cheaper the better. Dose anyone know of a good link which explains the differences between mics?

I’m open to suggestions on micing my Guitar. Any special set up’s preferences, which might work best for micing electric Guitars?
You'll want a dynamic to close mic the cab and a condenser for further back. My set up for that is sennheiser e609 for the dynamic shure ksm109 furthe back. I get really good guitar sounds with that combo even more so than my sm57 and ksm109. Hey who knows that link for that crazy guy that cusses a bunch but gives a great method for micing cabs and checking speakers. I seen it on other forums and everyone seems to know who he is.
if your going to be distant micing the guitar, make sure theres no phase problems and make sure you have a good sounding room. unless you want that "this was recorded in my basement" quality, which is respectable.
The most common one is the Shure SM57. Also the SM58, but not so good in my ears for guitar tone capturing.