

New member
Hi everyone...

Ivn my studio, wich is located in a basement Ivw built a quite small mic booth.
The room aint "floating" or anything like that....
Now Id like to get it a bit more isolated so Im looking for hints n tips....
Its built like this:
The booth acutally only consists of two walls...since we put it up in a room, using this rooms back and left walls, (including ceiling n floor.)
This means we built the front wall and the right wall and attached it into the room.
The walls we built are made of two walls wit some space between them.
This space is isolated with fiberglass. Inside the booth Ive covereded some off the walls with some old madrasses. thats all.
Now Im thinkin off makin it a bit better.

Ive been thinkin of using some sort of plywood to cover the walls inside the booth, but would like to get some suggestions.

thankful for some help.