Mic stand or Mic Clips?


New member
Well as i have completed getting my drum mic collection... i need to decided either to get Mic stands or Mic drum clips to mic up drum toms. I want to use them to record but i want to know your guys opinions on whats easier and more convenient to use.

I found this set of Mic rims that comes with one mic stand for kick

Then i would get 2 separate mic stands for over heads.

Or should i just get the 10 mic stand pack?

Thanks for reading.
Still no one haha

I have never mic'ed up a drum set, but my intuition would tell me to stay away from clips because I'd worry about artifacts on the tracks due to the vibration. Of course, I could be dead wrong about this. But now that I've offered you an opinion, they'll be at least a few people who'll come around just to say I don't know what I'm talking about (and in this case they'll be right). :D
I have never mic'ed up a drum set, but my intuition would tell me to stay away from clips because I'd worry about artifacts on the tracks due to the vibration. Of course, I could be dead wrong about this. But now that I've offered you an opinion, they'll be at least a few people who'll come around just to say I don't know what I'm talking about (and in this case they'll be right). :D

You don't know what you're talking about!!! (Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D)

Seriously, what you said about vibrations makes sense, and technically I understand how it could happen. (I've even others swear by its occurance) But practically speaking, I've never encountered it. When I track drums, I use a mix of clips and stands--it's what works best for placement in my space.

I've tried all stands too--never noticed a difference.
So what ur saying is that Either mic stands or mic clips are fine. right.. in that case ill go with mic clips... cheaper and i dotn have a lot of space :(
So what ur saying is that Either mic stands or mic clips are fine. right.. in that case ill go with mic clips... cheaper and i dotn have a lot of space :(

You'll still need some stands--OHs, kick, etc. I use clips on the toms and snare top. Stands for overheads, HH, kick and snare bottom.
Yeah thats what i mean.. all i need the mic clips are for toms and top snare.

Any suggestions of good mic clips?
You don't know what you're talking about!!! (Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D)

Seriously, what you said about vibrations makes sense, and technically I understand how it could happen. (I've even others swear by its occurance) But practically speaking, I've never encountered it. When I track drums, I use a mix of clips and stands--it's what works best for placement in my space.

I've tried all stands too--never noticed a difference.

I hang my head in shame. :o
I knew I didn't know what I was talking about.
I often use clips on congas and bongos for live gigs. It is just so mush easier with space etc. stands often really get in the way of your hands!
They seem to do a good job there, but I would choose stands over clips for recording if possible. Just a little better isolation from the drum itself, resonances etc. For live though, I would say go clips if they have a decent rubbers. just a whole load easier
I aint a kit drummer so i can't comment on that I am afraid!
hope this helps