Mic selection help for first record.


New member
Hey everyone...
I'm about to start a new album on my Korg D3200 that I just got and had some questions about mics.
Mics I currently own are: SM57 (x2), GXL1200, MXL 603S, and MXL2001.

I know these arent the best mics in the world but so far I think they are doing the job. I will be recording a lot of acoustic guitar and would like to use as many mics as I can/should, so I can get a nice seperation in the mix. Which of these mics should I use for stereo recording an acoustic? I've been pairing up the GXL and 603S because they are the closest and I haven't gone out for new mics yet. Should I consider getting a real stereo pair? If so, what should I get?
I'll be recording in a large wooden room with a Seagull acoustic, fender mexican jazz bass, and some electric guitars as well.

Aside from the acoustic guitar, I'll need to record drum tracks for a few of my songs. I'd like to get the best drum recordings possible and that will probably be a big challenge. I'll need new mics for that part I'm assuming. Suggestings for decent drum mics? Also, I'm not a drummer and havent had much experience recording drums so what should I do to set up the kit before recording? Getting new heads might not be in my budget, but whatever I can do affordably I will consider...

I realize this is pretty drawn out and vague, but I haven't done much recording lately and I haven't had a foot inside a studio for 2 years now, so unfortunately I've forgotten a lot of the things I have learned.
Basically, and most of all, I'm looking for suggestions on what mics I should have at my disposal. This record will be somewhere between hank williams, roy orbison, and The Doors I suppose. I plan to record acoustic, electric, bass, drums, pump organ, and do some orchestral stuff with Midi or whatever I can pull off.
Anything at all would be appreciated. If I can be more specific about anything please let me know... Thanks!!
Get new heads, tune the drums up, put the 603's in an X/y over the kit, and get a e602 for the kick......

Not a bad start


The SM57s are cardiod dynamic mics. Probably the number one pick for snare drum and guitar cabinets. Also a good vocal mic. Will record kick in a pinch. I use my SM56 for kick all the time.

The GXL1200 and the 603s are cardiod condensers. They are both SDCs (small diaphragm condensers). I have a 603 but have never tried the GXL1200. Good for acoustic guitar and drum overheads.

The MXL 2001 works good on my low breathy male voice. It might or might not work good on your voice. It is an LDC (large diaphragm condenser). Read the big sticky thread for more on SDC, LDC, cardiods, dynamics, and when to use them. If the 2001 sucks on your voice try an SM57.

All your mics are cardiod. I would add a pair of omnis. Either a matched pair or just two good quality omnis that are the same good quality mic. A pair of omnis are perfect to record the room and are often the basis for a stereo take with a true stereo image sweetened by the close mics.


Hairy Larry
Sounds like the thing you need most is a good kick mic. I'd go for a akg d-112.
Throw a 57 on the snare, the 603's a little out over the shoulders and the D-112 inside the kick.

Just remember to take ton's of time setting up the drum mic postition and sound and to tune on the drums as needed. I would have the drummer there way before anyone else. Call them when your ready. New heads are best but I know where your coming from.

Thanks a lot guys, I'll look into a kick mic and a pair of omni's a little more.. I guess I could check out the FAQ as well...
I'll be working pretty closesly with the drummer so that should work out okay. We'll put lots of time into setting up. His kit isn't anything amazing though, so I was wondering if the typical music store rented drum kits?
Thanks again