Mic Preamp


New member
I was just wondering if I could get some opinions on good preamps. I am interested in getting my vocals to sound a little better. I am using an AT4033 as a mic right now--it gets patched through a Studiomaster Trilogy 326 and then directly to a MOTU 2408.

Oh yeah--I am somewhat budget-minded. I'm probably looking at under $500, but any opinions on any preamp would be of value to me. Thanks!
Yo Sayochuch:]

Take a check on the Martinsound mic preamps. You can reach them on the net @ Martinsound.com.

Last time I looked, they were making two models; both are a bit expensive but what's money mean if you get the best?

I don't sell Martinsound. I don't have one. But, I appreciate the quality.

It doesn't cost anything to look, check, and learn.

Green Hornet

:D :D :p