mic pre-amps


New member
Just got an E-mail from MF and they're advertising ART tube mic pre-amps. Anybody have any experience with their products? Likes, dislikes? Just curious and I know you guys will give me the feedback that might lead to a discussion about Stonehenge or child rearing which of course is more interesting than the actual question but there will be interesting tidbits on mic tube pre-amps that I may digest and put to use. Thanks again in advance.
Yo Moj:

I have the ART dual channel mic pre -- it does a nice job but there are many mic pres that are better. Martinsound makes a couple and both are expensive, one a little less than the other. Never have used a Martinsound but have received literature from the company.

My recorder, Yam 2816, has pretty good pres so technology has left me with my old MD8 set up which gathers dust in the studio and my 2816 which, of course, does it all and burns the CDR or CDRW.

You can use the research buttons and get all the info you want about mic pres.

Green Hornet:D :D :p :p :cool:
Yeah, there's tons of info here on mic pres. Generally the arts do an ok job, but you'll find other people will suggest several other models (Presonus, RNC etc.) over the arts.
The People at FMR that make the RNC have not yet released thier mic pre but some of us have had the privilidge to hear it. By the way It will be called the RNMP.
Look in the phone book for someone who fixes old tube equipment and talk to them about building a custom pre with as many channels as you need. What a lot of people have realized is that a tube pre will make every digital recording sound a ton better.

I am in the process of making a custom 8 channel, with GT 12ax7 (the GT 12ax7 is used in high end Manley and Groove Tube Pre's which usually cost around $2500 for a single channel and sometimes 2). I am having it built with all new technology so the pre's will be extremly quiet.

Cost is considerably cheaper that buying even a middle of the line pre, (12ax7's cost 14.99 each for Groove Tubes)...

This may be something you might want to check out.
Gee... isnt the Avalon, Davisound, and the Telefunkens tube pres.

Alot of those were also designed before the advent of Digital and warming was done with tape for the most part.

Its really give and take, you get more noise and need to limit use of tubes to get a really good result.
darrin_h2000 said:
some of us have had the privilidge to hear it.

Like whom?

Wasn't that thing supposed to come out last year? Then it got moved up three months. Then three more months. Then it was "definitely" going to be out by Christmas. Then it got moved up three more months and then three more and here we are. Still no rnmp in sight. What a crock. I'll bet it sounds like crap if/when it ever gets released. :) :)
Telefunken is a tube company, the davissound pres on the site were tubed, and I didnt know if the avalons were hybrids or not.

What about pultec, peavy (nice Pre), and all of those widely used pres.

I can appreciate a good solid state pre. But I wont say all tubes are bad, especially when they work fine for me.
You know I tried something nutty and hooked my J-station up to the effects loop of my PMD740 and hooked my cheap ass Peavey mic I've had for 17 years and found some pretty cool sounds to record. Laugh if you will but I am a simple man with a simple life unlike the rest of you George Martins. Almost forgot what I was looking for.
getting back

getting back to the question at hand...

The ART is not bad, but it's not good. Don't think that because it's marketed as a Tube Pre it's what you want. I't not gona come close to a GT Vipre. Tube is a matter of taste. I would rather go with a Joemeek MQ3 for about $200, you get a much more tube-like sound then you get from a bottom feeder tube pre. But hey, if it's in your budget, get a Groove Tubes Vipre for about $2500, and then you can keep up with the speed the guys on this thread.

Sometimes I wonder how a thread that starts with ART and MF transforms into a thread about Avalon, Neve, and Great River. Amazing; why can't that logic aply to my studio budget?
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