Mic positions on drums

Yeah agreed. It was myself playing drums haha I'm a bass player. But over all needs a lot of work
No none taken. Only been playing drums for about 6/8 weeks got a lot to work on I know. But it's come on leaps and bonds since I first tried so. I'm happy with where its heading :)

The guitar guide track is also very sloppy but as it's a guide track didn't really put much into it waiting until the studio is free again to track it properly
Only been playing drums for about 6/8 weeks

6/8 weeks, fully qualified, just need to loose your licence for drunk driving, hock the drum kit, and get thrown out of your rented apartment so you have to sleep on a band members couch, and you will be fully qualified.:thumbs up:

6/8 weeks, fully qualified, just need to loose your licence for drunk driving, hock the drum kit, and get thrown out of your rented apartment so you have to sleep on a band members couch, and you will be fully qualified.:thumbs up:


Just to be clear, that was almost exactly why I started playing drums. I got tired of renting drums, having losers on my couch, and bailing them out of jail. Figure if I have to pay, I might as well get all the chicks! Oh, and I have a big van. lol!

Ok then gents. Without looking like I am trying to keep an old thread going. I have an issue

I just recorded a natal custom kit. Very nice kit in good size toms 12" rack and an 18" floor sounded so good on the day. I placed mics on the top skins. now a few days later trying to mix the kit into a bass guitar the toms sound flappy and weak!

How do you deal with toms that sound weak? I have eq and still not getting good results.

Any ideas?

I may delve into cubase' new midi and hit point tech and use hit points to trigger halion if need be but want to try and use the awesome kit sounds that I thought I had :/
Ok then gents. Without looking like I am trying to keep an old thread going. I have an issue

I just recorded a natal custom kit. Very nice kit in good size toms 12" rack and an 18" floor sounded so good on the day. I placed mics on the top skins. now a few days later trying to mix the kit into a bass guitar the toms sound flappy and weak!

How do you deal with toms that sound weak? I have eq and still not getting good results.

Any ideas?

I may delve into cubase' new midi and hit point tech and use hit points to trigger halion if need be but want to try and use the awesome kit sounds that I thought I had :/

'Flappy and weak' sounds like a direct result of either old beat up heads, poorly tuned heads, or both. There is nothing more important to a good sounding drum than tuning it correctly. Even cheap drums should sound good with the right heads and tuning. Well, as long as the bearing edge and rims are straight.
The skins where new and fairly well tuned just seam to be getting a lot of attack and no body at all. Will have to have play again
The skins where new and fairly well tuned just seam to be getting a lot of attack and no body at all. Will have to have play again

Try some compression, or a bit of parallel compression on the tom mics. The overheads make a big difference to the tom sound don't forget. Are the overheads in phase with the tom mics?

You should be able to pull a sound from the toms.

Just to be clear, that was almost exactly why I started playing drums. I got tired of renting drums, having losers on my couch, and bailing them out of jail. Figure if I have to pay, I might as well get all the chicks! Oh, and I have a big van. lol!


A big WHAT!!!! :eek:
Then the best you can expect is a "fairly well sounding" recording. Nothing more, maybe less.

Yes fair comment. What's annoying me is some sound really full and tight and others don't. So partly playing. But still I will be sampling the good ones and replacing.
I find for my style of playing that putting the mics on the top of the tom positioned pointed towards the middle of the tom works best for me. You get a decent sound without the ring from the tom.
+10,000 for slate trigger. It's professional all of the way. (And there is a new version that just came out)