Mic Placement for Vocals and Acoustic Guitar?


New member
Hey guys, I just had a quick question. I have the Blue Spark Condensor running through a Presonus 44vsl interface. Anyways, I was just wondering about how to get the best sounds recording with it. Normally I just put the mic a few inches off of the 12th fret. And I for vocals I just do it wherever. I guess my question is more about the acoustic in the room. I've known a few people who put blankets up in a corner and get in the corner when they record to make their takes more "dead" sounding. Is that gunna make much of a difference? I can't afford to treat my room right now so I'm just trying to figure out the best way to go about this. Thanks!
There is no set answer on what will work for you. Recording a guitar (and voice) has as much to do with the instrument/voice and recording space as the mic used.
There's a whole thread here on acoustic guitar recording - read all 18 pages!
Facing into a corner (even with 'blankets') is typically not a good solution. Facing away from that corner (with blankets) is probably going to be better.
Most music is recorded in a 'dead' room so the producer can add as much or as little reverb to the recording via effects while mixing. There is nothing wrong with the natural reverb of a room if you like what you are hearing and you are only recording yourself singing with an acoustic guitar.
There's providing tight and dead sound as a desired recording decision, then there's kill and deaden a recording space 'cause basically it just doesn't sound very good -or at best not a sound you'd want very often on tracks. With our small rooms, often this is more like to damage control.
The more I do this the easier and often it is to see how nice it would be to have a room you didn't want to hide.