Mic/Line Inputs on 1604?


New member
if I have something plugged into both the mic&line inputs of the mackie, does it only matter what input i'm feeding signal into or is this whole idea not good practice.

thanks jason
that's pretty sweet, thanks for the reply. let me give you a for instance and maybe you can tell me if i'm right on.

XLR cable into channel 1

1/4" into channel 1

the opposite end of each cable is open still.

now does it just depend on which cable is plugged in, does the board get confused because it has cable in both inputs

I've done exactly that, but now that you've made me really think about it, I don't know if it's a good idea.

I need to check the schematics of the mackie boards, but if you have the XLR attached to the mic, and the 1/4" attached to a guitar, and the guitar volume is turned up, you'll probably get the sound of both, so make sure the guitar volume is turned all the way down.