Mic Impedance

What ever sounds better on the source you are recording. That is the point. Not all LDC's react to different impedances the same way.
tadmaz said:
All right then. 50 ohms looks smoother in a wave editor while 200 is more rough.
What does it sound like? It doesn't matter what it looks like.
What does a good vocal look like?
Listen to it!!!!! You only have 2 settings, record 10 seconds at one setting and 10 seconds at the other, pick the one that sounds the best to you. There is no right or wrong, chances are, one will sound a lot better to you than the other.
It would be the opposite, but on my selectable impedance mics I generally find that higher impedance settings yield more detail in highs and slightly higher output. I bet your pre settings are not the actual input impedance, but an indication of the output impedance of the mics. On the other hand, I could be totally wrong.

The roughness of the 200 ohm setting may indicate more detail. Again, use your ears. This should be an obvious difference.