Mic higher and upside down?


New member
Why is the mic upside and higher then where eminem's mouth is at 2:45 and beyond?

Is that a real technique? Or for looks?


I've always had my mic exactly where the artist mouth is, and everyone who records that needs to adjust the mic to height level tends to put it level where their mouth too?

Just wondering......
Is that a real technique? Or for looks?
Yes. :)

There's any number of reasons:

- Sometimes having the mic off-axis a little from the mouth sounds better; less sibilance and/or poping, slightly different mic response when off axis.

- Some singers like their mics higher because they sing better with their body stretched upwards a bit than when they face downward or straight ahead.

- On tube condensors they hang the mics upside down because the tube got hot and that way the heat rose away from the mic capsule, lessening the chance for damage from the heat. Sometimes even if the mic is FET instead of tube, old habits are hard to break.

- Having the mic up high and hanging leaves more room for a music stand to hold the lyrics or lead sheet in front of the vocalist in an easy-to-see manner.

- When filming a diva star like M&M, hanging the mic high leaves better sight line for the camera to see the artist's face.

- It looks k3wl.

- Sometimes that mic you see on film is a prop.

mic placement for vocalist

When you place a mic higher than the vocalist's mouth it stretches the vocal cords changing the pitch. Try it yourself, hold a note and raise and lower your head, when your head is down the vocal cords are loose and produce a lower note, when your head is raised it stretches the vocal cords and raises the pitch and you can hit those higher notes.
I always train the inexperienced singer with mic technique before recording.

have fun at it!
i've heard this technique is used to decrease/limit the nasal sound of the singer. i could see mr. M having a nasally voice, so this might be why he records his voice this way.

I've heard recently that this mic setup is good for recording voice and guit (acoustic) with the same mic. Apparently it give a good balance between the two. Not tried but it sounds interesting.
and of course, a mic can't be "upside down" since acoustically, there is no "up" or "down" for a mic's diaphragm unless there's some weird capsule design that capitalizes (limits) orientation.
If you have the mic right at the singers mouth, you are putting the microscope on the sound of the back of his throat. Sometimes that doesn't sound good. Putting the mic higher lets the mic pick up more of what the singer sounds like naturally in the room. Sometimes that's the way to go.
Whatever gets them to stop cupping the mic is okay with me.

I'm a rapper and I used to always do that! I try hard not to since I saw a video of myself where in a part of a verse I cupped the mic and it sounded AWFUL!

The three hottest tips anyone can give rappers:

1. Learn good mic technique;
2. Get some singing lessons;
3. Buy a V67g.
and of course, a mic can't be "upside down" since acoustically, there is no "up" or "down" for a mic's diaphragm unless there's some weird capsule design that capitalizes (limits) orientation.

That's why I always put my microphones side ways to stop this confusion!!! :laughings:
