Mic for recording ambient/outdoor sounds


New member
Ok, so I am looking to record nature/outdoor/ambient sounds (running water, cars passing, airplanes passing over me, etc).

What kind of mic am I needing for these situations? Any brand suggestions in the mid-price range would be nice.

(Also, if anyone can advise me what other basic equipment I would need to do a remote recording of sounds, that would be useful too). Are DATs battery powered??

I would recommend a binaural mic.

Do a search on binaural micing. Very popular for the type of thing you're doing.

Here's an example:


If you're so mechanically inclined, you might also try saving some money and whipping up your own homemade binaural setup using the capsules from a couple of Behringer ecm8000 reference mics.
I've used the Behringer ECM8000s in a stereo pair to record a thunderstorm. Very excellent. Just hung the pair in an open window. You can hear everything for miles around. dogs, birds, bugs, neighbors talking in their kitchens.....
And a Marantz CDR300 Portable CD Field Recorder should work well for what you want to do.