mic choice for deepish rasp


New member
my voice according to everyone else is raspy and deepish (lows and mids mostly) It used to sound like that to me but when i heard it with the new pre (roland mmp-2) it just sounds like its got this unnatural high in it.. Pissess me off. But its only a $40 mic.. soo i figure on the new preamp and soundcard i should look into a new mic of the same quality. i live in aus so prices are alot higher. I was looking for some suggestions on some mics. I was thinking that i could just get an rode nt1.. But im not sure what its like on vocals as ive never heard it.. only on accoustic guitar. I know mic pre combo is also needed in choise so thats why ive mentioned it. by budget is $360aus at most.

edit: i was also looking at the CAD M series.

hope ive specified enough stuff.
look for John Martyn and Richard Thompsons set up..if ya can find Richards studio mic, you could go for something like that, both have the vocals you describe.
docmattic said:
I was looking for some suggestions on some mics. I was thinking that i could just get an rode nt1.

Just to pass this along. When I read the subject of
your post, even before I read what mic you were
considering, I thought to myself "you do not want
the Rode NT1a". A buddy of mine who has a deep
voice tried the NT1a for voice-over and found
that the mic made his voice sound raspy, which
it's not, so I would advice against an NT1a
if you are trying to minimize rasp.
I had been thinking about getting the
NT1a for myself -- that is until I heard what
it did to my buddy's voice!
Brackish said:
Just to pass this along. When I read the subject of
your post, even before I read what mic you were
considering, I thought to myself "you do not want
the Rode NT1a". A buddy of mine who has a deep
voice tried the NT1a for voice-over and found
that the mic made his voice sound raspy, which
it's not, so I would advice against an NT1a
if you are trying to minimize rasp.
I had been thinking about getting the
NT1a for myself -- that is until I heard what
it did to my buddy's voice!

naa i dont mind the rasp.. its hiphop so its coo. anyone had experience with the CAD 'm' series, or the at2020? i can post some vocals up if needed
yeh. Id have to import that.. i was looking at a used one on ebay for $30 but it had like 150 for postage.. Someone else on another site recomended me on of them aswell.
The Roland mmp-2 is very clean - and it has some EQ settings / mic sims which may assist, as will the inbuilt limiting/compression feature.

I'd try a Shure SM-58, a Beyer M88 or a Rode NT-1A with it. I use a Rode NTK with the MMP2 all the time - but like you said - you have to work to complement the qualities of the voice.
lumbago said:
The Roland mmp-2 is very clean - and it has some EQ settings / mic sims which may assist, as will the inbuilt limiting/compression feature.

I'd try a Shure SM-58, a Beyer M88 or a Rode NT-1A with it. I use a Rode NTK with the MMP2 all the time - but like you said - you have to work to complement the qualities of the voice.

I said that? true though. You got any samples on the net of your mic?
I'm sort of shocked no one recommended a ribbon. The AEA R84 comes to mind as a mic that might peel back the rasp to reveal the character of the voice. If you don't have the budget, then I'd try one of the cheap Nady ribbons such as the RSM-2. It's not going to be an AEA R84 but... I'd make sure to experiment with the front and back of the mic as well as the angle on the ribbon as far as straight on, from the top or a little from the bottom.
is it best to try and get rid of the rasp or leave it there. I think its good as it gives your voice some character? i dunno. oppinions here would be cool. it would be a good experiment.. thanks for the idea.
docmattic said:
is it best to try and get rid of the rasp or leave it there. I think its good as it gives your voice some character? i dunno. oppinions here would be cool. it would be a good experiment.. thanks for the idea.

Tom Waits would say it is cool to leave it there..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_0E7x3Nqys :)



i was reading about the mxl v67. Heard its great.. but muddy on some voice types. how would it go on my voicetype.. if anyone knows and i remember reading somewhere that you can replace a part to make it better.. is this easily done.
no one can tell you how it would do on your voice type, man..

and why mod it if you dont know what it sounds like first??

you are putting the cart before the horse.

get something and make music!
Big Ray!
So whatsup with the Confederate Flag?
Are you working through your skinhead/KKK developmental phase?
Or are you doing past-life regression work?