Mexican Rock in


New member
OK, so you will definately will not listen to my songs if they're in geocities, right? Or is it anti-mexican feeling? :D Just joking.

But to tell the truth I feel a bit sad no-one except Eric J has downloaded the song. Come on, guys. have a listen and probably you will like it, who knows?

Anyway what I really need to know is if it has a fairly decent sound quality so I can put an amateur sound studio here in Aguascalientes, Mexico. (I'm about to buy a C1 mike and a Delta 1010)

So, the new URL is:

Please do listen to them
Whoa, Flapo.
That's the music that puts me in the mood.
I play the same style of guit.
I'm listening to it again, now.

Ummm. I don't think it's an anti-Mexican thing. Probably that it comes out slow and take forever to download from Geocities. That's been my experience in the past. I'm on DSL and it was still a pain. I tend to shy away from Geo. They are really picky about bandwidth there.

Yeah, I like your tune.
Would like to hear the rest of it. Some how, the end came up short. I didn't get my freedownloads worth. :)

About the quality, I'm the last person to give advice since I'm new to recording. But I've been playing for years and I like the sound.
Yeah, go for the studio thing. Get in while the getting is good. Already I have guys wanting me to record them and I haven't even recorded my self yet. The people are there.

Good luck.
Thanx for posting the real URL, Waldo.

And thanx for hearing, badgas. You're right, the end gets cut off because the song comes from a whole album that does not have silence between songs, either they have some sound effect, or the next song starts exactly when the other ends. I'm sorry and you WILL get your money back! ;)

And yes, I think I will go for the studio thing. I already ordered a StudioProjects C1 microphone, which seems to be a good start.

Suerte, amigos y GRACIAS.
I just posted a new song called "La Espera" which has some lyrics in it (Spanish lessons, anybody? Or a translation maybe?) ;)

Hope you like it!