metalcore band I recorded

i agree too on the drums. in this genre the drums need to be way out front i've found. otherwise the guitars just dont sit right. the chugga-chuggas just dont sound good if the kick isnt going along with it at a comparable volume. my 2cents.

I thought the kick wasn't THAT bad volume wise, the snare though sounds really thin and low int he mix. Maybe add a tad more click to the kick so it's attack is heard a little more and cuts through, there always seems to be obscene amounts of click in a lot of metal styles. The vocals aren't fierce enough for my taste, more compression some subtle distortion or something to fatten them up might help. Take my advice with a grain of salt, i'm not super into this music.
Yup I knew for the snare, my problem is l2, This plug kills the snare like crazy. I'll probably double it one more time and see what happens. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Oh and for the kick, I tested in 3-4 radios, it's probably the loudest instrument in the track. I don'T feel like boosting it and the band is happy with the result :D