[Metal] your feedback please!

Pretty cool. You've got a good variety of stuff going on for an instrumental piece, and your structure and composition is much more interesting than a lot of the metal out there these days.

I would have liked some vocals I think. It feels a little incomplete without them; like you were just trying out ideas more than writing an actual song.

Also, what do you have against machines? Don't be hating! :D
Thank you very much for your replay! (and for the "positiveness" of you replay ;))!
Vocals will follow, i hope i don't destroy the song with my vox ;)

And about hating machines, this nickname is old, fear factory did theyr work on me ;)

Im impressed

Got some really good production going on here. I think the reverb on the little clean part is a bit to springy sounding but that is subjective. Nice "wall of sound" guitars and alot of interesting timing choices and textures. Well done.
Great job man, nice full sound. I love the chaoticness of your writing style. It takes a certain breed of musician to play the style you do(esspecially with timing).

I too would love to hear it with vox. I think for me what would have really tied the song together would've been a very heavy, brutal breakdown thrown in somewhere, but that's just my style.

Great job man, keep it up!
Great stuff, Armin!
I suspect cookie-monster vocals on this......:D
Loads of energy, nice double-bass parts and a fantastic guitar sound!

Joey :):):)
Thank you man! Vox will follow =)! I have just done an "Intro", and soon i will record the whole vocals!


When you do complete it and get some vox in there, post it up here, I wanna make sure I hear it! Lookin forward to it,