Metal, Wenches and Mead

Kick ass! The drums stick out a little in the mix, but i'm not complainin'. Sounds great. Those tascams are pretty sweet. Good job!
Your right, I'll pull the drums back a touch. But yea this things pretty sweet, now i can sell my guitarport and v-amp pro! I usually just share between my friends but this song is nuts, so I had to post it!
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different drums and it could almost be SOAD at parts

drums are too loud, well the kick is for sure, sounds fine on my small speakers apart from that..not that i know much about the genre but i reckon this would sound way better with a more traditional rock kick rather than the absurd metal one...but thats no critique of the mix

good job

I liked this. Viking Metal? Hahaha. The double tracking vocals is a bit too wide for me I think. Maybe add a track in the middle. This track kind of sounds out of phase as a whole. I think it's just the panning of everything. Cool song itself though.
I agree about the drums but I'm no drummer so I'm resorting to loops. I did try to eq the kick a bit but it just gets fubly. I've tried a few from beta monkey, but if you have any suggestions on better loops or whatever, I'm all ears. Interesting point on the wide panning. Would it be better to add another track to the center, or just reduce the panning(currently at 100% L & R) to say 50% or less to lessen the "wide" feel?
the kick is much better........but I think its at the expense of the rest which have kinda disappeared...even though Im no rock/metal fan id really like to hear this with a real drummer..its a solid tune apart from them

do you know any?
apart from the heavy feel, I almost detect a heavy celtic feel at the beginning and in the melody throughout. I'm now a drummer nor a metal accificianato but i never would have guessed the drums were loops- sounds solid to me if a bit overbearing on the low end.

The vocals are spot on for the genre, and you HAVE to have some Flogging Molly influence in your background somewhere lol !

The vocals are solid and the layers are nicely done- very solid trach dood!

kcearl: Unfortunately I do not know any drummers. I'm kind of out of the loop nowadays and mostly play for myself and sometime with a few buds.

IndustrialOkie: Thanks bro! much appreciated! Honestly never heard of Flogging Molly but I do have a STRONG swedish/viking metal influence(Ensiferum/Wintersun/Borknagar/Amorphis), If there anything like this I'll have to give em a go!

And Thanks everyone for the critique and kind words! Not much of a forumer, but I'll definitely be hangin around here now.
The mix sounds kind of phasey, bass could use a bit of low end. Put that lead voice in the middle, it's getting lost. Somehow the song is missing the steam-rolling energy that a tune like this needs.
I actually listen to this kind of music all the time.

The vocals sound better on the second mix, but it still sounds like two vocalists. If you've only got one vocal melody/harmony going, I find it always sounds better if you can make the double track sound like a single person with a big voice instead of multiple people.

The main lead guitar is a little far left. It sounds fine when the other lead guitars come in, but I might automate it closer to the center when it's alone.

Having the kick drum play straight 16th notes, is the second worst cliche of this genre. :D

It's not quite up to, say, Edguy or Iron Maiden, but this is a good start. It's pretty solid. Probably more listenable than Jag Panzer!
Really fun tune. I dig it. Second mix is much better on the drum side of things.

Also agreed that the vocals would sound better if they were a bit tighter and more in sync.
Man awesome tune. It sounds like Norwegian/Swedish metal. Your guitar tone sounds like you used SS. IMO if you're going to use power chords there's nothing like tube amps or at least a hybrid for that nice punch.
MHB: I'm using a Marshall 3203 (which is hybrid but still a fantastic amp) and mic'd a t75 (L) and v30(R) with an sm-58 and an old BG 4.0. I'm still getting used to positioning and types of mic's so the kinda sterile(if thats what you were referring to) sound maybe because of my lack of knowledge on perfecting these issues.

It sounds unanimous about the vocal panning/mixing issues. I initially thought it sounded different and kinda cool, but I will play with these things and see what happens. Guess it's always good to have an extra pair of ears though eh?
SS=Solid State. I think both positioning and maybe less gain. I've learned that less gain is more for a good metal sound. The bass guitar is what will give the guitar depth.
MHB: I am familiar with the terminology, though I would argue that I have owned and / or known of some "ss" amps that are as good if not better than most tubers out there. But that sounds like a discussion for somewhere other than this mixer clinic.
MHB: I am familiar with the terminology, though I would argue that I have owned and / or known of some "ss" amps that are as good if not better than most tubers out there. But that sounds like a discussion for somewhere other than this mixer clinic.

Do you agree that less gain is more?

as for SS...I know Dimebag used Randall...sounded phenomenal, but you can still tell the difference.