Metal/Rock Instrumental

Pretty friggin loud! What were you saying? Huh? What? Surprisingly the drums keep up with your guitar volume. Must have mastered this with a limiter... Fun guitar tune - time to add vocals and bass...?
Bass is in there... but barely. I probably should bring that out a little but I can't get a good bass tone with my sansamp for some reason. Haven't messed with it much so that's the next puzzle to figure out.

Every mix I have made has come out way to quiet. I was afraid this was going to be quiet when I compared it with some other songs but I guess not. I was having some problems with clipping so I guess I can bring down the whole volume (which will bring the bass out).

Vocals, hmmm. That's a whole other world that I have yet to enter!

Drums were done with EZDrummer so it was easy to bring the volume up. I wish I had a real drum set... or even just an electric kit.
Bring up the bass guitar and kick drum, it's good for the sound you're going for. Mess around with the 80hz-100hz area. Keep up the work.
The bass you added totally fills out everything. The bass is a tricky instrument to work with when it's tuned down which it sounds like it is. I'd cut some frequencies on the bass guitar around 300hz-500hz to start with, hopefully this will give it more definition and eliminate the boxiness. It does sound more full though, good edit.
It sounds more in place in my opinion, not too overwhelming like track 2. It seems pretty tamed to me... I mostly use amp simulators so your room probably has something to do with it like you've stated. I'd say you're on the right track.
What did you change between 2 and 3? Did you take out some low-mid in the bass part? If you did, I don't think it made it any better, you've just got a slightly less full-sounding bass. Go back to take 2.