Metal Guitars


New member
I'm looking to buy a new guitar relatively soon. I've got some ideas in mind but I'm posting this up for any extra recommendations.

I'm looking to spend somewhere around $400-600 for a guitar to primarily be used for hardcore/metal (and no, that does not refer to slipknot, korn, etc). Musically, probably stuff along the lines of The Haunted, Shadows Fall, or In Flames (not that i'm as good, but you get the idea). I'm currently looking into ESP and Ibanez guitars mainly, but I'm open for suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
carvin makes exceptionally good guitars for the bucks......

i might suggest that..... as well as their kit guitar, which is very similar to a strat type deal, and very inexpensive.....
having a floyd or not may be an issue too.........
I own an ESP Custom, an ESP M-III, and an Ibanez RG550 (among others). They are all excellent guitars for my purposes and may make good guitars for your purposes. The ESP's are higher priced than the Ianez's and the Jacksons, so depending on your budget, you may want to take that into account (ok, the ESP's probably not in your budget). I've played a couple of the ESP LTD's and would not recommend them over an ESP or even over many Ibanez's and Jacksons. Also, I would put BC Rich in the same category as the LTD's.

More importantly, go to a shop and try each one out for yourself. You can definitely find the Ibanez's, Jacksons and LTD's at your local shops. You might have to call around to find an ESP dealer that has them in stock. Point being, find out what is right for YOUR needs. If there's anything that is an absolute must, it is auditioning the guitars YOURSELF.

Thanks for all the suggestions and inputs guys. By the way, since I didn't make it clear and some of you answered with different context... I'm not new to guitar. I've been playing for about 4 years, and while I'm not great, i'm decent. I have experience playing live and this guitar most likely will be used for playing in a band live. At the current, it will be played through a JCM800 lead series 50watt head and a 4x10 cab, although, with my new job, I may add other things.
i listen to all those bands you mentioned, and play in that style sometimes (swedish gothenburg). i really like Extol, Amon Amarth, In Flames, Children of Bodom, Opeth..... i have a jackson ke-3 and a schecter A-7...... they both work very good for that sound.... i've seen a lot of those types of bands live and i seen a lot of different guitars used for it... if you play very tight and precise (like the bands you mention), i think you can get a good sound through a variety of guitars (jus as long as you got a half decent humbucer in the brigde pickup....... jus switch on that bridge pickup.... and make sure to have a good right hand... and your then a good way there!). It's just a hard kind of music to play, becuase of the speed and precision required (i'm not super great myself.... ive been playin about as long as you have...... i've got the tight rythym stuff down pretty good, but i'm not good at leads.... especially when compared to the awsome leads of In Flames/Soilwork/Arch Enemy etc. etc..... but maybe some day!!