Mesa Dual and Triple Rectifiers


New member
Does anybody know how much the Dual and Triple Rectifier heads cost? I can't find prices anywhere on the net.
The Dual Rectifier will cost you around $1400US. The Triple will be more. Mesa raised the prices on the Rectifiers.

Mesa does not allow their prices to be displayed on the net (and I believe on "paper ads' either). Depending on where you live, it can take months to get your Rectifier head in after you order it. You might get lucky and find a place that has them in stock. If there is a Mars near you, they usually don't have them on display, they keep them in a back room.

Good Luck . . .
Infact dealers of Mesa's can't even advertise on their websites they even sell them. Here in Pennsylvania USA most dealers are stocked with Rectifiers. Even though I don't care for the Guitar Center, The one in Towson MD, has Triple Rectifiers for $1400. Good Luck
And in fact, dealers are prohibited from discounting Mesa amps. No sales, ever, even if the dealer were to eat a loss!

Anyone know what this kind of marketing is all about? How does it benefit Mesa if a dealer is unable to sell more products by discounting them? Can't figure.
I'm not sure all the reasons, but mainly I think it's about integrity. I know Mesa keeps a pretty close eye on their dealers. There's no "I got it for 200 bucks cheaper so buy it here even though my service and support sucks" crap. It most likely benifits the dealers.Like when I bought my Mesa, I might have gone to a superstore Like Guitar Center(who usually use the couple of bucks cheaper scheme, but suck otherwise) But instead got it at a smaller hometown store. When a small dealer has so much invested in high end inventory such as Mesa, they don't need to be under cut by the big guys. I think the website thing is so you have to find a dealer through the Mesa people. Basically when you have a product that is so good you don't have to do all kinds of marketing crap to sell it. Basically people come to you.
FYI it's false that you'll never find Mesa gear discounted: GC had 2 Buster bass combos for $949 (reg. $1299) and a Diesel 4x10 cab for $599 all last month.Why? Discontinued items.Mesa has a Store in Hollywood that sells used amps,the Phone # is on their site.
Well Mesa probably gave them permission to do this, or it was part of the dealer agreement. I don't think we were talking about their discontinued stuff.
you cannot advertise a dicounted mesa, but a dealer can give you a discount when you ask him PERSONALLY. over the phone or on a website would be advertising...

and BTW since the whole korn/limpbizkit craze this head is too expensive anyway.

ps why would you want a triple? do you have ANY idea how loud a 150 watt tube head is????

i wanted to buy one in 1999. so i waited a few months and suddenly it had gone from $1000 to $1400. that's bizar!

oh and for the reason: MESA is extremely populair and by overpricing the head it stays kindof a rarety (although that's not true now) and thus more popular.

greetz guhlenn;)
I just want to add that this marketing idea is both brilliant and idiotic. Previously, because our town (are, region, STATE) doesn't have a MesaBoogie dealer, I was pretty pissed at the whole shebang. But having read this thread and the comments included makes me realize why they did this...
I understand what you mean. I never like it when a company goes the "we're so special, that getting our product is going to be a chore" route. But Mesa runs a pretty tight ship and they don't try to screw around with things. I think as long as the company isn't too big and haven't loss touch with their customers it can work.