Mesa Boogie Triaxis recorded direct?


New member
Hey guys,

I recently snagged a Mesa Boogie Triaxis guitar preamp and have a couple questions. I play mostly progressive metal ala Dream Theater ("Images and Words" era preferred), so the John Petrucci Ibanez plus Boogie sound is really what I am aiming for. However, having a budget, it doesn't look like I can afford the Mesa 2:90 power amp and 2x12 Rectifier cab that I would like. That being said, has anyone had any luck using any of the various cab simulators for recording direct out of the triaxis? Here's what I have tried so far:

1.) Triaxis recording outs direct to PC Soundcard:

Sounded GOD-awful. Flat... lifeless...

2.) Triaxis output to Digitech GSP-2101 effects loop. Stereo headphone out from 2101 into PC soundcard:

This was decent, but even using the effects loop on the 2101 (which bypasses all the analog effects and EQ), the Digitech unit still robs the Mesa of it's growl. The 2101 impresses it's own tonal characteristics on the sound, even when all the digital effects are turned off.

3.) Triaxis output into Line 6 Pod 2.0 input with Pod set to use Line6 Clean amp setting and cabinet model of my choice:

Again, yuck... the Line6 amp models just trample the tone coming out of the triaxis. If only there was some way to bypass the amp models and use only the cab models in the POD.

So basically, has anyone ever used any of the myriad direct-in cab simulators out there with a Triaxis, or am I the first one to not be able to afford the power amps and cabs that make this preamp sing?

I have read SOME info on the following:
Behringer Ultra-DI and Ultra-G
Radiant Engineering JDI Direct Box
Music Valve DI Box
Demeter VTDB-2DI Box
Countryman DI Box
Whirlwind IMP Z DI
Palmer PDI-09

Anyone have thoughts? This simulator will be used with mostly shred metal distortion. I plan on using something else or direct mic'ing my Ovation acoustic. Not sure what I will do for bass.. open to suggestions.

Thanks for any help you can give me,
Jeff in Houston
If you have a Pod, you should be able to get the sound you're looking for by just using it. Have you gone to the Line6 site and downloaded any custom patches to try out? I think you'll get your best results doing it this way and playing around with your Pod.
