Mesa Boogie Express 5:50 upgrade questions


Scholarly Gentleman
What's up people?!

I have a MB Express 5:50 1x12 combo. After a bunch of gigs, i'm tired of carrying the beast around, and would like to make it lighter. I have heard of people switching out the stock Black Shadow Celestion speaker in it for an upgraded, lighter speaker. I play a lot of funk/jazz, and I would like a vintage-y warm, smooth sounding speaker. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Plus, looking in the back of the open-back cab, I noticed the speaker cable going from the "head" to the speaker. Has anyone upgraded their speaker wire? It would take some snips and some soldering, but I could probably do it in 20 mins. I was thinking about possibly putting in a Monster 3 ft 1000 level speaker cable...might be overkill, but like I said, I was thinking about it. :)

Cheerz, gents! :drunk:

Wait, a 1x12 combo is too much to carry? You guitar players are some mamby-pambys.

Drummers everywhere

Seriously though, put some wheels and a long handle on it. Roll it around like luggage at an airport. Get a small hand cart. How much lighter will a different speaker be that can still handle the wattage?
Maybe you should use the money that you were going to spend on a speaker to pay for a gym membership. Seriously if you can't carry a 1x12 combo then you need to see a doctor. I can't imagine a different speaker being more than a pound or two lighter anyway.