Merry Christmas

I caught my wife's cold and my lung hurts. I'm on call and have no days off. Merry Christmas - probably not.
Worked from home today so I could cook the turkey for tomorrow. Wife threw out the thermometer $%#$ had to go buy one. Annoying but at least there were some in stock. All cooked, carved and stuck in the fridge. Kitchen is clean and bones are in a bag in the garage for the BIL to make his soup. My work is complete.
This year I said 'Fuck It'! Going to Country Buffet for feast, then home to spoil my daughter.

Eat then gifts with no dishes! :)
You have the right idea but I could never convince the wife to do it.

I lucked out. It was my wife's idea.

Just too many people and finals for her school yesterday. I wasn't about to cook for 10 people I don't care much for. I'd rather spend $12 a head and go home in peace. lol!
Yeah in-laws - can't live with them, can't shoot them. One year my wife invited every relative we had in the province. One of them actually brought a friend and her husband without asking.