Merge Midi lines?


New member
Does anyone know if there is a device to merge two or more midi lines into one. For a practical example, I'd like to send midi information from my Mac-based sequencer while also sending midi from my master keyboard controller to a sampler. The sampler only has one midi IN. I've been scratching my head on this one and think a box that can merge midi lines might do the trick if such a thing exists.

Thanks for the help!!
Anatek used to market something called the PocketMerge, which does exactly what you want - not sure if they're still around....

Bruce Valeriani
Blue Bear Sound
Cakewalk can handle this. Record one, then the other track. Then use the Copy followed by the Paste to One Track function.

Midiman makes a box that merges 2 midi ins to either or both of 2 midi outs. It's called the Merge 2x2. Here's a link:

I'm going to get one and see if it does the trick. I've downloaded the manual and it seems to be just what I'm looking for. I'll let any interested parties know how it works...

Thanks VR

The Midisolutions merger looks good too. I do like the extra MIDI OUT on the 2x2 though. Decisions, decisions...

I'm just relieved to know that I'm not the only person on the planet who needs such a device and that they exist and are very affordable. What a relief!