Mega Old Recording - WTF was the song?!


New member
My mate just sent me this as a joke, and now it drives me up the wall that I have no idea what I tried to cover.

It was still hilarious to listen to it - that must have been my first month of playing guitar, I was recording on a tape using AIWA hi-fi system using mic input as a distortion (oh yeah, guerilla overdrive) - then recording with windows recorder by miking that mentioned hi-fi's speaker. Beatles' bootlegs sound better :eek:

But anyway - can anyone recognize the tune? It's definately some old-age rock like Sabbah/Maiden or anything I've been listening to back then but haven't listened in 2 years.

God that sounds so terrible it is unrecognizable. I can hardly distinguish what notes you are playing much less what song it is.

Not trying to sound like a jackass but that is my opinion.
Haha don't worry, like I said I had just bought an axe back then. It's like watching old home videos of you learning to ride a bike :D
bah... sounds like most new cd's, and looks the same in an editor................................


Lol. True.

Dude, in the future, warn us if what you're posting is this shitty. I mean, you made it seem like this was just regular shitty when in reality this is mega shitty. I would have liked to turn my monitors down before playing this garbage. May a thousand bees sting your asshole.
I'm sure you'll learn with my other recordings :p

Damn, I guess I'll never know what it was meant to be. Bollocks!