Media Girls


New member
Howdy's been a few years since I last posted on this board. It's been about that long since I've done a song, and it seems like life just keeps getting in the way.

Anyway, I recorded this song but need help figuring out how to make the vocals fit, they just aren't.

Any help would be appreciated.

Oh yeah, and there are some explicit lyrics in this one, so be careful with the kiddies.
Song is "Media Girls"
First off (before I nitpick) good job, some good performances and it is hard to find folks now- days that can sing on pitch, so thumbs up from me.

I think part of the issue is the main vocal is to the left and it sounds veiled a little eq wise. The reverb type also makes it seem further back on the sonic stage than the guitar. I think to compete with the guitar it is going to have to be drier, and quite possibly centered if you can't add some beef to the voice. The call and answer vocals left to right sounds cool though if it can come a little more to the front of stage.
Definitely need to put lead vox right up front and center.

There seems to be a timing issue with the guitars during the verses. Can't put my finger on it, though, just doesn't sit quite right. Cymbal crashes sound thin.

Good catchy tune... enjoyed listening. Thanks for sharing... :)