Mbox through focusrite voicemaster

I Hate Avril

New member
What I want to do is play the track through the Mbox and have it go through the focusrite voicemaster pro back to the mbox and monitor off of the voicemaster. The reason is so I can process the track through the voicemaster and EQ, Compress, De-ess, ect. How would I go about doing so?
It will be hard to do without feedback. I don't know if the Mbox has busses that bypass the internal stereo buss. Got a screenshot of the Mbox mixer? Maybe an Mbox user will pipe up.

If you just go out the boxes output into the processor and back into the computer you will setup a feedback loop. This may not be very loud but will at the very least cause an annoying ringey sound to the processed track and at worst will blow your ears out as well as your tweeters.

Great username btw.