Mbox or Digi Rack for vocals

Big Aggy

New member
I need to start up little home recording project in order to lay vocal tracks. My friend had an mbox and I've heard the stuff it produced on his demos, I was wondering is an mbox worth the money or if I should wait and get a digi 002. The only mics I have are a B1, sm58, and sm86. (keep in mind this is only for adding vocals to tracks, nothing else). I was also wondering if I should get a small diaphragm mic to pair?
If all you are doing is one or two tracks at a time, there isn't much of a need to go beyond the mBox. It's the same software. Differences in the hardware are marginal, with the main differemce being that the 002 has more i/o, which it sounds like you will not use.

Just get the mBox.

As for a small diaphragm condenser mic, again, if all you're doing is vocals, don't bother. Save your pennies for a large diaphragm dynamic or condeser.

What type of music are you recording?
The MBox has better preamps than the Digi 002, though they are pretty low gain and kind of a bitch to set for dynamic sources like vocals. The 002 pres aren't terrible, but if you aren't going to be recording more than 1 track at a time, just save the cash and go with MBox. Actually, go with MBox 2 because I doubt it'll be long before Digi stops supporting the original MBox.
I second going with the Mbox2 (although if you look, you'll find some wicked deals on the original Mbox because everyone thinks digi will stop support very soon, which I assure you they won't. The Digi 001 was supported for several years after the 002 came out). The MBox2 has the capability to expand to 4 simultaneous i/o with some external hardware, plus it comes with a MIDI I/O, should you ever need to expand. I wouldn't get a SD condenser for vox either.
Cool I was wondering about the preamps involved with both of the two, and the music I was going to record was along the lines of catchy posthardcore rock. I just wanted my vocals to be clear on the tracks. Thanks guys!