Mbox Mini vs Mbox Pro


New member
Hey Guys,

I am totally confused on all of Avids different interfaces. Mbox, Mbox 2 ( they might even have a 3 ), Mbox Pro, and I myself have the Mbox mini.

I am curious if anybody has experience with Mbox mini, and what the difference between these to interfaces is. Is the quality worth the value difference? Also what is the newest version of Mbox? The 2/3 series or the Pro? This is confusing
i dont work with mbox's specifically, so dont quote me. but from what i understand, the differences are based up capabilites of the interface. ex. mbox mini isnt gonna have as many inputs as the larger models. anything without pro attatched to the name, is more or less USB 2.0 connected. where pro usually uses firewire... Mbox generation 3 pro firewire i believe is the latest mbox. as far as quality, the interfaces converts the audio the same regardless of mbox series. usb, firewire, your gonna have the same quality.. Firewire is actually kind of overkill for recording basic vocals (IMO). shall you decide u need to do more in your studio, get an interface that supports such capabilites. again, dont quote me on all of this.. hope this helps in some way.