Maxi Studio ISIS


New member
I have Maxi Studio ISIS SOUND CARD
Is there any possible way to record what I hear from the MIDI playback of the card into another track in cakewalk pro audio?!?
For example playback the midi track and enable another track for recording what I hear from original track..
Thankx .
I'm not familiar with the ISIS and I dont know what rig you have, but on my PC with windows 98SE and an SB live card I do this:

Click on the little yellow speaker icon (volume controls) in the task bar.

Open the 'Options' menu and select 'Properties'.

In the box that says 'Adjust Volume For' select 'Recording' and then click 'OK'.

The 'Play control' volume window should now have changed to a similar window called 'Record Control'.

In the 'Record Control' window put a check in the 'Select' box under 'MIDI'.

Close the window.

When you enable an audio track it should record the MIDI sounds.

Like I said, I don't know your rig but the above works for me.
Thank u vox
Iam also have SB Live Value & I know it can do it!
But ISIS is not mine myself.
And it doesnt have MIDI for recording !!!
IS there any ways??