material to wrap around heating pipes for dampening


New member
I have heating pipes running through my studio space (hot water heat, not steam). Anyone have a suggestion on dampening material that is
relatively low profile? I'm thinking of something along the lines of
thick, tarry tape or some such thing. These are cast iron 2" & 3" pipes that
I can get quite a little ring out of (I don't know the frequency but it is something in the order of hand-bell noise, pretty high).

Auralex suggests their product Sheetblock, which is more or less a dense vinyl. They suggest that you wrap the heating ducts in that. I'm no expert on that material, but I do know it's extremely expensive.
Armax pipe insulation is quick, easy fairly effective and available at any plumbing supply, or even at Lowes and Home Depot. It comes in a variety of sizes to fit almost any size pipe. I even use it around mic stands and cymbal stands.