Material best for sound reduction


New member
Im trying to make my studio better acoustically without having to buy the studio foam that ranges in price 100 and up. Im looking into shelter foam (5.00 for 6 sheets 4'x1.5'), cardboard boxes (as the backing), and egg cartons to glue on top of the foam.

I plan on lining the bottom 3' of every wall with this and also to build a collapsable wall that can be placed in front of my drums.

If you know of better materials (more sound absorbant, id appreciate input)
Studio foam = bad.
703/705 = good.

Stay away from egg shell, foam, make shift stuff. That will make your room sound worse. Trust me, I tried it. I did have luck with some old mattresses set in the corners. Not great, but it has to work until I get my hands on some 703.

Now you just got to find the stuff. Good luck.