Mastering: The DIY Guide

no its to get all your songs to have continuity in an album as far as I'm concerned

I get tired of all the rules of what you can and cannot do, of what you need or dont need, dont dare mix without a treated room, dont dare master without $3000 monitors and a black cape

I believe as much of it as my dentists micro chips anti biotics...

know what you are listening for, know how to fix problems you hear..and brush your bloody teeth twice a day

that'll do me
<------= funny as hell!!! and I don't hardly swear!!! Is that a good likeness KC?

ah..i see what you did there ;)

What is the difference between a "homerecorder pro" and a chimpanzee?
It's scientifically proven that chimpanzees are able to communicate with humans.


seriously..that was a joke

STOP IT STOP IT .... I think I hurt myself. I can't write this down anymore must.... commit ..... memory.....

Right about now, Chater-La is thinking...these guys can kiss my butt! :mad:

No more opinion polls for more website more improved more forum splitting to help with navigation...and NO MORE HELPFUL STICKIES! :spank:

dude did you miss the ;)

and you can master your own stuff...of course you can, yes theres an investment but then the softwares yours...apart from the fact most DAWs come equipped with decent enough plug ins to begin with...why not learn, half of us learn most of our recording techniques...why not this as well <shrug>

It isn't a question of software. It's a question of ears. If you don't have the ears, which some will never have, you get garbage.
I think it is a good practice to follow these steps, and thanks for the article.
but mastering is more than one way answer... I mean colors of plugins, parameters, mathematics, and more... just my opinion.
rr I hate not being able to post URLs yet!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
But here's the site anyway.. hehe
I have a few suggestions. I really like Brainworx Cleansweep as the first plugin of the chain, to tame low end. Right now I'm getting good results from the Classic EQ, TAL Reverb II, Cakewalk Tube Leveler & Boost 11, but just tonight I found myself going back to what worked on my 1st recording - Buzzroom Buzzmaxi 3 and Elemental Audio Inspector(tonight I had to use SSL X-ISM, but it works great). I just bring down the ceiling on Buzzmaxi to minus 5, then bring up the gain make-up, then check the levels in Inspector for clipping. I use my ears to find the best compromise between Buzzmaxi and Inspector that does not allow clipping, adjusting my EQ as I go to keep the sound where I liked it before I made it louder. This works for me. btw, most of the plugs I just mentioned are available free.