Master a double guitar track


New member
Hi, I have a small problem, I'm recording a song, one vocal track and a two guitar tracks which are the same but doubled. During the mixing and mastering i'm able to listen to one guitar track on the left and the other on the right and it sounds very cool and true stereo! But in order to mixdown everything to create the actual song file I need to converge every track into the master track but by doing so I lose that true stereo thing (one guitar on the left and one the right) and everything becomes mono...and shit...I don't know how to keep the doubled guitar on separate channels when mastering...:wtf:
any help?
I'm using Adobe Audition by the way. :listeningmusic:
ha! u were being focused on the program got me lazy about reading the manual! The software setting simply hid away the pan volumes! so now I can pan the tracks in master as much as I like...ta :D