Mashine Studio pattern editting question


New member
I bought Mashine Studio 5 days ago and I have a problem with the patters. At first when I was duplicating let's say Pattern 1 (drums) i got a second Pattern1 witch was an exact copy of the original one. So when I wanted to add an effect (for instance cutoff) in pattern 1 I was effecting both patters 1.Then I found a way to dublicate Pattern 1 and after duplication I created Pattern 2. But when I add an effect to Patttern 1 is still effecting pattern 2. How do I fix this? please help. Keep in mind that both Patterns are in the same group let's say Group A.
Not 100% sure if I understand your question, but you are changing the VSTi settings. That change is on all data using that VSTi on that track. Nothing to do with the pattern, but how the instrument is being processed.

I don't know machine, but you could send the effects to a send or a bus and automate when it is used. Or, if it gives you the flexibility, turn the effect on and off (Ableton allows this) as required.

This help?