Mapping Cubase


New member
I´m trying to map Cubase for my Novation Remote SL.
Do you know any site to download "mapping" templates?
There is something in Novation site, but it´s too old.
I did it recently for a new controller keyboard, and the system in Cubase 9.5 is quite different from the time I did it on my last controller - which was probably Cubase 5-ish? I discovered it much simpler, and was just a case of setting the type of controller, then wiggling the knob - it was a one-off process and apart from being dull, went surprisingly smoothly, one control at a time. It worked for me fine - on transport and controller type messages.
I'm focusing on the remote control settings after your comment.
I have a question about whether I have MIDI ports properly configured.
I also wonder if it is correct that in "MIDI Outputs", even being selected, Automap MIDI, Remote SL and Steinberg UR22 appear as inactive

Actually, if I'm just going to create a project in which I use Halion Sonic SE, or Absynth, I do not have to create input buses?

And as Main Mix left the Output Bus by default, right?

What is the difference between Track Instrument and Rack Instrument?
I'm not quite understanding what you are asking about the MIDI settings and I don't do much MIDI stuff myself so sorry no answer there.

And instrument track will be just a stereo track. A rack inserted instrument can have multiple outputs. As far as I use them for drum samples that is what I know.

Wish I could help more. Try the forum. They will have the answers.
somewhat random questions - but in Cubase, you can have a rack of instruments, and then using Halion as an example, fill each slot with a different sound - each one with a different midi channel.

If you create a midi track, setting it's output to the right destination, as in Halion, and sending on channel 2 for example makes the channel 2 sound work, another track can send to a different sound. The main drawback is that the mixed output of the Halion in stereo is what feeds the busses, so you can't eq each one separately, or send certain things to processors etc. In the midi track in the mixer - you only have access to MIDI processing, so no reverbs delays or other useful stuff. The alternative is to use instrument tracks - each one is then treated as audio - you have the same VSTi, but a separate one for each track. Years ago this was a processor bottleneck, but now it seems to make no difference. Each one can then have it's own reverb, processing, eq and any treatment you fancy.

I use instrument tracks as a matter of course now - but old projects I open have rack instruments and I usually swap them all for individual instances of the synth and samplers.

My default output is a single stereo bus - not sure why you'd want just the left?

Are you using the Steinberg as the MIDI in and out? What exactly is hanging of the MIDI output? I thought your synths and stuff were all VSTis? The remote control section is different from the 'music' midi outs - can yo0u replay MIDI and make something outside happen = if so, the outputs are active. In the inspector, what are the MIDI outputs showing? Presumably your keyboard is getting in and being routed somehow? I'm not quite sure what you are doing?
Basically I'm trying to map my Novation Remote from Cubase.
For this, among other things, I'm looking at the Cubase Operations Manual, which is raising new questions about the new vocabulary.
At the moment, being new to the forum, I can not upload images of my current Cubase configuration.

My default output is a single stereo bus - not sure why you'd want just the left?
I cold mean that I left the default "Output bus", is it ok?

Are you using the Steinberg as the MIDI in and out? What exactly is hanging of the MIDI output?
Yes, I´m using the UR22 as MIDI in and out.

I thought your synths and stuff were all VSTis?
I want to work with Halion and Komplete (NI) package.

In the inspector, what are the MIDI outputs showing?
All MIDI Inputs

Presumably your keyboard is getting in and being routed somehow?
This is my main question. Actually I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly.

I'm not quite sure what you are doing?
I think, it would be better if I upload images.

18052018 Bus de Salida como Main Mix.webp
18052018 Ajuste de puertos MIDI.webp


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Got it! The Steinberg UR22 is set as the midi inout so anything you have connected to it's midi in should appear in Cubase - create a midi track, set the input in the inspector to the Steinberg ur22 and then noodling on the keys should produce activity on the channel meter, and if you hit record, it should be recorded. Don't worry about the output - you won't be going out of that if you have Halion and NI installed.

If you create an instrument track, pick say the Halion - and in the first slot, pick any instrument. With the input to that track set to the Steinberg UR22, it should respond to your keyboard. If it does, that's the critical thing. Once that bit works, then you can move to the midi section and start to map things you want to do other things. It's possible to do many things. My keyboard, as it was setup with the midi data did NOT respond correctly to sustain pedal presses - as it came, sustain pedal muted the channel. I found this in one of the midi setup menus - that controller (64 from memory) was mapped to the mute of the active channel - this was just changed to map to sustain. It's fiddly, but you can make it work with patience.