MANY THANKS for previous advice • HOW ABOUT the original musical idea for this track?


New member
:):):) Many thanks to all who posted before, for the previous good advice on this track BUT……

……I'd also really like to know how this sounds to people as an original idea. How's it coming across as a piece of music in itself (if you ignore the distortion problem mentioned in the previous thread).

:confused: Also, as we all have to describe our music to other people in some way, what main genre does it sound like it fits into best – being so close to it myself, I'm a little unsure where this fits as far as others ears are concerned.

Here's the direct link again:

Anyone here have any thoughts on this at all?
Thanks in advance.
dreamer7 :D

I really like this kind of stuff. I guess I would call it New Age? but I'm no expert. It's kind of trippy and in 6/8 which I'm always a sucker for.
I'd probably classify it as Neo-Psychedelia, with strong Ambient overtones...but I frequently call my children by the wrong names, so I wouldn't put too much stock in my naming abilities.

It's a nice piece...not my bag, but I didn't turn it off, and I thought it was well recorded except the piano sound was weird to me...kinda' grainy; I assume that was intentional? Hell, I'm not even sure it was a piano synth.

Ignore me.

I really like this kind of stuff. I guess I would call it New Age? but I'm no expert. It's kind of trippy and in 6/8 which I'm always a sucker for.
:) Hi bigtom. Glad you like it, but I must admit that I've never thought of it as New Age, so it's interesting that you see it sort of that way. Now, "trippy", that's a good word!

I'd probably classify it as Neo-Psychedelia, with strong Ambient overtones...but I frequently call my children by the wrong names, so I wouldn't put too much stock in my naming abilities.

It's a nice piece...not my bag, but I didn't turn it off, and I thought it was well recorded except the piano sound was weird to me...kinda' grainy; I assume that was intentional? Hell, I'm not even sure it was a piano synth.

Ignore me.
:) Hi Chris. Hmmm, "Neo-Psychedelia, with strong Ambient overtones", I like that description. I did have a distortion problem with the piano sound and that's why I asked for advice on the original thread about this track (hopefully I can sort that out in a semi-pro studio, using a good engineer, or maybe I'll re-record one day!), although there is a 12-string semi-acoustic guitar mixed in with it, so I don't know if you're hearing that and thinking it's all piano. Yep, I did use a synth for the piano sound by the way.

:confused: Anyone else have any thoughts on this track, or hear it as any particular genre, or mix of genres??? It does cover a range of styles in one track really, so it's fun to see how it comes across to others and not just put my own interpretation on it.
dreamer :D
Here's the direct link:
There's alot of prog elements at play here. I almost got a Rick Wakeman "Journey to the Center of the Earth" vibe off of this.

The drone of the pads suggest ambient, but there's alittle too much movement in the melody for it to really stand in that genre. Closer to New Age than ambient. This is trippy as all hell to me. I'd go with that.:cool:
:):):) Many thanks to all who posted before, for the previous good advice on this track BUT……

……I'd also really like to know how this sounds to people as an original idea. How's it coming across as a piece of music in itself (if you ignore the distortion problem mentioned in the previous thread).

:confused: Also, as we all have to describe our music to other people in some way, what main genre does it sound like it fits into best – being so close to it myself, I'm a little unsure where this fits as far as others ears are concerned.

Here's the direct link again:

Anyone here have any thoughts on this at all?
Thanks in advance.
dreamer7 :D

Hmm.. As to genre, I'd be thinking in terms of Ambient, Abstract, Symphonic Electronica, Film/Soundtrack....

Very interesting piece. It's dissonant and cluttered in places (yes, by design, I know...) and yet open and airy through the denseness, at least in the first half. Reminds me of some Pat Metheny stuff (As Falls Wichita...).

I think it takes a little bit too long to develop though; by the time the drums came in I was thinking "wow, when is it going to move on to the next idea?"

The drum computer programming is a little bit unsubtle and blocky, it harshes the groove a bit; kind of broke me out of the reverie you'd developed.

In all, a cool idea, very moody, very expressive. Slightly klunky at times, and the tune is perhaps a bit too self-aware and exploratory for about the first third, but as you continue in this genre, you'll learn where the bumps are... Well done!


I live way out in the sticks, anything newer than Randy Travis is considered to possibly be new age, so don't take anything I say as gospel. But I did like it.....just don't tell anyone......... they might stone me. lol :D:D:D
Listening now. Very cool atmospheres. Really like the piano line at around 1:20. Wish the vocals stuck out a bit more at the end. Very original man i'm not sure what i'd classify it as but i certainly enjoyed it. I know it paints a real nice picture as far as atmospheres and scapes and all that. Sounded good to me. Looking forward to hearing more of your stuff.

Take care

I appreciate the replies!

There's alot of prog elements at play here. I almost got a Rick Wakeman "Journey to the Center of the Earth" vibe off of this.
The drone of the pads suggest ambient, but there's alittle too much movement in the melody for it to really stand in that genre. Closer to New Age than ambient. This is trippy as all hell to me. I'd go with that.:cool:
:) Hi TeyshaBlue. I was actually influenced by a lot of prog stuff way back when I was but a lad, so it must be coming in somewhere, along with all the many other inflences I've had over the years. So, "Trippy New Age Prog" it is for you then – not a bad term!
dreamer ;)

Hmm.. As to genre, I'd be thinking in terms of Ambient, Abstract, Symphonic Electronica, Film/Soundtrack....
Very interesting piece. It's dissonant and cluttered in places (yes, by design, I know...) and yet open and airy through the denseness, at least in the first half. Reminds me of some Pat Metheny stuff (As Falls Wichita...).
I think it takes a little bit too long to develop though; by the time the drums came in I was thinking "wow, when is it going to move on to the next idea?"
The drum computer programming is a little bit unsubtle and blocky, it harshes the groove a bit; kind of broke me out of the reverie you'd developed.
In all, a cool idea, very moody, very expressive. Slightly klunky at times, and the tune is perhaps a bit too self-aware and exploratory for about the first third, but as you continue in this genre, you'll learn where the bumps are... Well done!
:) Hi Phil. Hey, I like the way that comes across: "Ambient, Abstract, Symphonic Electronica, Film/Soundtrack". The drums are actually meant to wake you up at that point, just as you're being lured into a false sense of security, but I suppose some folk might be a bit too rudely awakened :eek:. This was the first track I recorded on digital equipment in 2000, after not recording for many years (and not even playing that much during that period either), so it just sort of created itself as I was recording it with not much planning and for that reason it's still a special piece for me personally, even though I admit that it has a few gremlins present!
Glad you like it enough and got into the mood. Thanks for the honest critique too.
dreamer :D

I live way out in the sticks, anything newer than Randy Travis is considered to possibly be new age, so don't take anything I say as gospel. But I did like it.....just don't tell anyone......... they might stone me. lol :D:D:D
Your secret's safe with me bigtom.
dreamer ;)

Listening now. Very cool atmospheres. Really like the piano line at around 1:20. Wish the vocals stuck out a bit more at the end. Very original man i'm not sure what i'd classify it as but i certainly enjoyed it. I know it paints a real nice picture as far as atmospheres and scapes and all that. Sounded good to me. Looking forward to hearing more of your stuff.
Take care
:) Hey Gary. Glad you enjoyed it so much and thanks for saying so. I may record some extra vocals over the originals at some point and then I can raise them up enough to come out over the sustain guitar part. There's six tracks up on my page at the moment, so you might enjoy some of the others too, but I'll warn you now that they're quite different to the usual and may not be your cup of tea (then again, that could be exactly why you might like them!!!). There'll be some more up at some point – maybe around spring-ish time hopefully. I'll post here when there's a new one anyway, or maybe you might like to bookmark my page and check every now and then if you want to. Cheers for the reply.
dreamer :D
Hey dreamer, listening with songwriting in mind... haven't read the comments above either... typing as listening... Nice moody intro, pretty deep sound on my headphones. There's sort of an unconventional chaotic feel to the extra instruments that fall over the growing synth. Then some talking comes in, wasn't expecting that. I guess I'll rewind to see what he said since it caught me off guard... The guitar/piano combo afterwards sounds very nice. I like the way everything moves around in the stereo field too, a very haunting feel. That sound at 3:04 (the dinosaur?) is perfect... really, it foreshadowed something else is about to happen, then it did... drums popped in. The overall feel to me from that point on is pretty creepy and somewhat chaotic. Like I'm somewhere strange I'm not supposed to be. I guess it's just my opinion, but the vocals don't fit as well in here... not sure if it's that they sound out of place, but also that I have a hard time understanding them, so they kind of lose the meaning... There's some nice sustained guitar lines in the background. Good build in intensity, then calm again. I'd play out the calming down of the track a bit more... feels like after that build it ends a bit abrupt.

Anyways, just my thoughts as I listened... definitely a different type tune with some cool atmospheres and ideas... nice work :cool:
It kinda brings a movie-soundtrack to mind...
...Like a lone man wondering in some very desolate place.

The length is good, just the second I thought it's gone on long enough, it faded out.
Very nice soundscape.
Cheers for your thoughts!

Hey dreamer, listening with songwriting in mind... haven't read the comments above either... typing as listening... Nice moody intro, pretty deep sound on my headphones. There's sort of an unconventional chaotic feel to the extra instruments that fall over the growing synth. Then some talking comes in, wasn't expecting that. I guess I'll rewind to see what he said since it caught me off guard... The guitar/piano combo afterwards sounds very nice. I like the way everything moves around in the stereo field too, a very haunting feel. That sound at 3:04 (the dinosaur?) is perfect... really, it foreshadowed something else is about to happen, then it did... drums popped in. The overall feel to me from that point on is pretty creepy and somewhat chaotic. Like I'm somewhere strange I'm not supposed to be. I guess it's just my opinion, but the vocals don't fit as well in here... not sure if it's that they sound out of place, but also that I have a hard time understanding them, so they kind of lose the meaning... There's some nice sustained guitar lines in the background. Good build in intensity, then calm again. I'd play out the calming down of the track a bit more... feels like after that build it ends a bit abrupt.

Anyways, just my thoughts as I listened... definitely a different type tune with some cool atmospheres and ideas... nice work :cool:

:) Hi SnakeDog. Many thanks for your detailed and well expressed appraisal. I like the feelings and images you've derived from my track and they're pretty much what I was trying to get across really, so it's good to see that it's worked for you. Yes, I definitely need to raise the vocals to put across the lyrics (which I have a soft spot for, so I'll keep them in). I may do a longer version sometime in the future and make even more of the different atmospheres, including the end part, as you say.
Cheers man,
dreamer :D

It kinda brings a movie-soundtrack to mind...
...Like a lone man wondering in some very desolate place.

The length is good, just the second I thought it's gone on long enough, it faded out.
Very nice soundscape.
:) Hi Jouni. Nice description of the 'lone man wandering' – thanks for that and your other thoughts. Glad you like it.
dreamer :cool: