Mandolin-rock song


New member
Hi there guys -

I would love some feedback on a song I wrote over the last 2 weeks - I have taken a new approach to songwriting, and I am pretty pleased with how this one has come out.

Ok, the guitars are a bit "loose" but see what you think- Can you guess who I was trying to sound like?

The song is "Dont let it go to waste" at

I thought the mandolin could be louder, or maybe the vox a bit lower. or both. recording quality was good. I guess song writing-wise, I would enjoy it more if there a bit more seperation tween the verse and the chorus. it definately has the "hook" element, but there isn't a shift in energy really. But, that being said, its stuck in my head right now, which I can't say for the 4 or 5 other songs posted that I just listened to.
i think the mix is dead on. it's a very obscure type of music. i see a picture of a traveling minstrel on a country road. to adjust the mix, upping the compression or dropping the vocals back would lose some of its flavor. the only thing i'd even consider doing to the mix is maybe bring the drums up a little, but not the tambourine... that's fine where it's at.
AndyHix -
Thanks for taking the time to give the song a spin - I realise, based on your comments, that the song is only "mandolin rock" if you listen carefully - The mandolin is indeed hardly present and could do with a boost!! The trouble is, after doing the guitar solo, I was so pleased with it that I didnt want the mandolin solo (which runs on at the same time) to get in the way. I probably need to reconsider. For the vocals I think you are right also - They are always the hardest thing to judge, because I personally want to turn the volume of the vocals to a minimum (who likes to hear themselves bleating?) but then again all the "books" on the subject say that the vocal has to be up front. I think I need to re-record them anyway this weekend, so I will probably lower their volume at the same time. I also got the all-important comment that it was still floating in your head!! thats good I guess!

Erich Arndt-
I read this post just before going to bed last night, and I must admit I was so startled it kept repeating itself as I tried to sleep! In this song I was trying to aim for a mainstream type "planet hollywood" era rock song - sort of Springsteen/Mellencamp/Billy Idol - I realise it never quite got to those heights, but had not planned it as a travelling minstrel type song! - If it werent for your tambourine comment I would have thought you were listening to a different song - Anyway almost all of my other songs fit the travelling minstrel comment exactly (e.g. The hollow tree) - it just goes to show I can't escape my genre as easily as I had hoped!! Thanks for listening and for your very intriguing review.