Making plugins work in CWHS


New member
I've downloaded a few free plugins for CW. Some work the next time I run CW, some don't. :confused:

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
When you say some work and some don't, do you mean they don't show up on the menu? Or do they show up on the menu, but not work?

If it is just a menu issue, you might try running the CW Plugin Manager. Not sure, but I would assume there is one available for Home Studio.

Do you have any other programs that use DX plugins? Do they show up in those programs?
Your machine is possessed. I recommend an exorcism.


You need to answer the above questions for further assistance.

It's important info to know.

They aren't showing up in the menus. I have no idea what "plugin manager is" and can't find that app on my system. I do not have any other programs (that I know of) that use the plugins.

I have also re-installed CW to try to get my pitch shifter back - with no results.... it was there one day, and now it seems like it just doesn't want to come back!