maintaining / re-invigorating high end on tape machine?


Hey all,

I haven't posted here in a while, but I'm in need of some help.

I'm new to the analog recording game, being more used to the digital end of things.

While I absolutely love the tones my tape machine (an AKAI GX 620, by the way) provides, when I'm running the songs I'm recording through it, I lose a fair bit of presence and high end.

I know this is one of the most obvious results of tape, but the reason I'm here is to ask for an affordable and effective hardware or knowledge-based solution to maintaining or re-exciting the high end without getting too much hiss. Does it boil down to buying better quality tape, or is there a piece of equipment I can route the music through beforehand to get a more stereophonic sound?

I thank you all in advance for your advice!
