made a fretless cookie tin banjo

Love it! And here I'm spending hundreds of dollars working on a Tele! Could have had a nice homemade banjo instead. Can't wait for Christmas this year. :D
Have you played the deliverance theme song yet? :D :D

Nice job. Post some clips of how it sounds.
audio clip

timboZ said:
Nice job. Post some clips of how it sounds.

there's a link to a clip at the top of the page... of me playing some ultra cheesy blues...

I recorded it with the wm-61a omni electret I built using the tape op schematics ( you can hear my nose whistling a bit because it was stuffed, but that just a good sign of the sensitivity of the mic! hehe

If anyone wants to build one, I'm happy to answer questions:

That is so cool! Would it have been possible to make it the other way around, so that the pretty lid part of the tin was in front? That might be my only mod, if it were me. Awesome work, though! Did you design that yourself or get the idea from somewhere else? (you may have said that somewhere...)
crazydoc said:
I was very disappointed to learn that you put out $.20 for this. I hope it was $.20 Canadian.

Of course it was $.20 canadian, I live in vancouver... so that's like -$.01 US! I made a cent!

The lid had to go toward my stomach because I wanted the more solid part to put the bridge on... Otherwise you could imagine, if the lid became loose, the strings would go in and out of tune.. and if I wanted to take the lid off (because I naturally keep things in the tin when I go to the beach or forest or wherever) then I'd have the bridge attached to the lid, and it'd just get all messy... So lid on the back..

Also, this allows me to choose between playing with the lid on or lid off... the bass frequencies are a bit louder but a bit looser with the lid off.. kind of like a drum with no back skin... it's less tight...but a little louder.

Thirdly, this keeps the pretty image closer to me :) I believe it directly inspires my playing (and I need as much inspiration as I can get with my guitar skills)

On a similar vein, there is a company in South Africa which makes electric guitars using a i gallon gasoline tin, if you have ever heard Soweto music this is the Soweto sound. I saw one in a Darwin shop and it was expensive but clever.