Mackies sterile.

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I've heard much over the fact that people think mackies are too cold and harsh. Should mackies be avoided altogether, or do they have any redeeming qualities at all? What if you had to use alot of mic's like for recording drums, could you just place a good stereo tube preamp between the output of the mixer and the input on the soundcard to get a "good" sound? Are there any other small mixers in the mackie price range that are better recomended?
Some people like Mackies and some don't. Everyone has different ears and some have more money to spend on the best stuff. Having a good tube pre around would be welcome almost anywhere. Try to listen to some gear at your local music store. Or buy some stuff from a store with a 30 day or so money back guarantee and you can always exchange it or get your money back. In the meantime check out the topics on the homepage, and I'm sure someone else will come along and add to this post.
I am not a mackie fan, the store I work at used to carry mackie, but then we stopped. We just thought they were to expensive for the quality. The Behringers are cheaper and better, but the best boards available at the common consumer level, in my opinion, are the Spririt boards. They may seem kind of cheap since they use more plastic than mackie, but the parts inside are much better. Spirit has wonderful pre-amps. I also like soundcraft, and Allan and Heath. Just my two cents though...
