Mackie VLZ PRO vs. Soundcraft Spirit M Series


New member
Do you guys know what has better preamps? I've actually heard the M Series ones...and Im not sure what to think. But i've been exposed to the VLZ's far more often. Im leaning towards the VLZ's BUT the soundcraft's are realllly awesome to.
Im just looking for some feedback.

I'd get the soundcraft. I tend to think mackie is overrated. The pres in the mackie are almost exactly the same, maybe a little better, but buy the soundcraft anyway.
Get the soundcraft. The pres are not much better than mackie, theyre a little more neutral, not as hyped in the highs. The main dif is the EQ which is night and day (mackie being night and soundcraft being day--theres no comparison bet the two, EQwise). I consider my M8 to be one of the smartest purchases Ive made for its EQ alone.
thanks guys! I was kind of thinking that mackie was all hype when it came to comparison with the M series. I guess the M series may have some extra little bells and whistles that the mackie might not have...and the M series is cheaper.

i have to decide between these two as well. So the mackie and the soundcraft are basically identicle in features, accept the soundcraft is better? And you say the eq is great on the soundcraft, but i would be more inclined to get a hot signal with a flat eq, and just use the EQ on the computer im recording into to fine tune it, cause if you record with eq on, you can't take it off. Same idea as recording with outboard effects on.
haha. LONG story. But basically my last name is Puzak...
so back in grade school some guy just started calling me Poo for short. I didn't bother fighting it...I don't get called it much anymore (only by the people who knew me back then)
Right now I should be rewiring and rearranging my home's one of those things that you say you'll eventually get to but never do. You think of the work and how overwhelming it is and just get sidetracked doing something else. I am going to go with the soundcraft spirit 8 channel board! NEW TOY!
i just got an m4 and i'm very pleased with it,the board is clean and quiet with plenty of headroom,also with the digital out it's possible to get a really hot signal into my masterlink.i had a mackie and i really had to push to get a hot signal into the masterlink.