Mackie Control Universal Pro question - Only 127 steps of data?


New member
Hello everyone! I may be posting this in the wrong topic, so if I am then oops! But I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a Mackie Control Universal Pro with 2 extenders to use as a control surface with Logic. I have heard that control surfaces that work through MIDI are a serious pain due to only having 127 steps where you can be (on each fader, etc.) and I know I can never get exact enough on fader levels with my Korg Nanokontrol which runs with MIDI. Does the "mackie protocol" on the Mackie Control Universal Pro mean that it has more than that?

Help me out here!
Despite no one replying, I figured this one out through lots and lots of searching. For others looking into the MCU Pro, I found out that the "mackie protocol" is higher resolution than typical midi and instead of 127 steps (of fader levels for example), the MCU pro has a little over 1,000 increments! Way more precise than budget units and that definitely is important and could have been a deal breaker for me. It seems that this unit with 2 extender packs will be the best control surface for Logic and likely other DAWs as well.
Yeah IIRC midi CC had better resolution in general than 127 steps.

I have an older one and never noticed any issue with precision.