Mackie Control Universal Pro Lexan overlay problem. :/


New member
I just bought the new MCU Pro and I have this annoying problem with my Lexan overlays.

Basically, they just don't want to lay down flat on the control surface. It'll sort of bend and bulge in the middle and I have to put it below a hard flat surface (like a book or something) to get it straightened out.

Even though, after a few hours, it'll start bending again.

Anyone experienced anything like this and know of any solutions?
Dont they have a film you remove to make them stick? I was thinking thats how they were made now. The heat from the unit probably causes them to bend after a while if theyre not stuck in place.
Really? I did notice that the back of it looks kinda like it can be peeled off but I didn't want to ruin the thing so I didn't bother trying.

I'll have a look tomorrow.
Funny the manual didn't say anything about peeling the film off. :?

Anyway, peeled mine and it stuck nicely onto the surface. I still think that's kind of destructive though... what if you switch DAWs and need to put a different overlay on it?

Thanks guys. :)
I felt the same way putting my steinberg overlay on....*shudders* It'll just be film that you can rub off with your fingers afterwards...I hope :D