m-audio revolution


New member
slightly off topic, but here it is:

My gaming/entertainment rig has been neglected. There she's been chugging away with her p41.6, 512m ram, and audigy1... meanwhile my studio machine has been built from the ground up... asus motherboard hyperthreading... serial ata with 2 blistering 180 gig harddrives, 2.4ghz pentium and a motu 2408

I feel bad.
I should do something for my gaming rig...

I have a radeon9700, so I don't need a new video card just yet... but, that audigy doesn't even support 7.1 sound! it doesn't handle anything at 24/96, and can you believe I've been playing my games with no positional audio?!?!


Along come m-audio, a reputable pro-audio card maker... and releases a direct competitor to the audigy2 I was about to get.

So... who's tried it? What do you all think? Any compares out there?

I won't really be doing to much recording on it, hence the slightly OT post... but what do you think?
