m-audio ozone


New member
can someone please help me before i end up doing something extremely naughty to this equipment , i have the m audio ozone , and have reaper on my p.c. and what i,m trying to do is control a softsynth plugin with the m audio ozone .
please bear in mind that i am a total beginner to midi , i thought all i had to do was configure the ozone and configure reaper , then call up the softsynth , press the keys on the ozone and it would work --- HOW WRONG WAS I THEN ?
Jesus i'm a guitar player not a nasa scientist , i've spent hours trawling the net to find out how this is done but nothing comes up , ik,ve been on tweakheadz but no instructions there either.
If anyone should take some time to help me please -- i,m a beginner , !!"" so be easy on the terminology.
Any help greatly appreciated in advance
You've got your track with the soft synth on it record-armed in reaper? You've got the correct midi input selected for that track (don't have it in front of me, but usually if I'm only using the one midi controller I can get away with selecting something like "all global channels")? You've got input monitoring turned on for that track?
If yes to all, then maybe reinstall your drivers and/or check to make sure you don't have a defective unit.
Past that, I'm not sure.