M-audio Audiophile 192


shreder wannabe
i am Thinking of buying it, any opinions about it? about its convertors? (i know it got AKM convertors).
i've found out that this card is better than the 1010LT which costs 100$ more. it got less inputs, but better quality as i understood.

has someone got some experience with this card?

Well it has higher samplerate which isn't necessarily better. I remember when many of the old sony digital multitracks were running at 24bit 48Khz. The audiophile runs at a sample rate of 192Khz. That's great and everything but, do you think that's going to improve the sound of your recordings dramatically? You're going to end up downsampling to 16bit 44.1Khz anyway. I suppose if you are an acoustic musician and you want to capture all of your dynamics this might be the card for you but otherwise I think it's just hype at this point.
Yes you are right,
But this card has phantom power (i think thats the name), which means i can use a condenser on it, the 1010LT doesnt has.
Though the 1010LT got 2 mic preamps, but i guess that they are shitty
I don't have it (yet) but the AKM converters are better than in the rest of the Deltas (except possibly the Delta1010 rack, which though old now is still a pretty good spec). The improved converters will benefit whatever sample-rate you use, and the 192 supports all the common ones. It also has balanced TRS jack i/o which can benefit quality further (the 1010LT is unbalanced except ins 1/2 on XLR). Reviews I have seen are pretty positive about the sound quality. The Esi Juli@ card has the same chips and so near identical performance if you want an alternative. As I'm used to the way M-audios Delta driver works, I'll probably get the 192.