Lyric/Melody to the Music?


New member
I had a simple question. I was listening to some songs today, just a bunch of random indie/alternative/rock and a lot of the time the lyric/lead melody starts on the 2nd beat or a bar, I was just wondering why??

In rock usually isn't beat 1 and 3 the most important?? why would you skip beat 1 ??

sorry probably dumb question
Well, not a dumb question, but certainly an easy answer. There is no set rule on when a melody starts. It's completely up to the person writing the song.
Not an answer, just an observation... A lot of "soul" and "motown" type music rides mostly on the 2-4 beat. Most country is on the 1-3. Blues based rock often falls on the 2-4. Maybe it has something to do with the mood a writer/performer is trying to establish for the song.